Universe Speaks! What is Touching the Light?
by Marie Austin ~ Touching the Light Practitioner ~ 702-375-1943
Hello I would like to introduce myself and my modalities to you. I practice Touching the Light, and Metamorphosis. I have returned to my home state of Idaho from NV. Absolutely healing to be back home. I have found this is the missing piece in my life and I am truly grateful to be living and enjoying the people of Idaho once again. I am a Touching the Light Practitioner trained under Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD.
So, what is Touching the Light? Touching the Light addresses all nature of being and of living, past, present and future. We are essentially made up of layers and layers of harmonics, much like a symphony. As we go through our lives, sometimes those harmonics become out of focus, or we might collect energies from others or our environment that affect our health and life in general. Touching the Light holistically addresses every aspect of our being, Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit. It also helps us to return to our original harmonization, or balance and brings us back into universal rhythm. When we are vibrating in harmony with the One, we are more able to see our way clearly through the journey of life and of our soul. When we are in balance, we have more wherewithal, more internal and subtle resources to draw from.
Touching the Light speaks to a great number of anomalies that can occur in our etheric anatomy. Sometimes these anomalies cause us physical issues that don’t show up in everyday medical testing. Once addressed, we may find ourselves becoming well no matter what the original complaint. We may find that life is changing to become what we always wanted. The key is that each client must be open to the work, accepting what they have come for. As a Touching the Light Practitioner, I have worked hard to address my own issues and come to the client as a clear vessel for assisting in their needs. Each Touching the Light Practitioner is a conduit to the Divine, allowing the very perfection of our source, of grace, to flow freely through them. This divine energy is intelligent. It knows what to do and where to go. I would love to work with you and share with you.
Serving: McCall area on Tuesdays
all other days in Fruitland, Payette & Boise areas.