This Months Featured Articles
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In a very recent and particularly miserable bout with the flu, I was reminded of Confucius’s utterance that “a healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man only wants one.” Very few things are as useful as ill health for reminding us of the good things we take for granted—and for those of us who enjoy generally good health, the suffering of an occasional winter malady affords us an opportunity to take stock and realize how fortunate we usually are.
Among the problems of the “taking things for granted” on a larger scale, is what we might call the normalcy bias—the tendency to think that our world....
Happy Spring!
It has come to my attention over the last few years that I am meeting many people with “adrenal gland” problems, and I felt compelled to give you some insights that may assist your physical and emotional well-being.
With all the cellular upgrades happening in the DNA over the last ten years, the adrenal glands are being dramatically affected, as well as the digestion.  If we don’t learn to eat differently and utilize the natural sciences, I am concerned there will be an increase of “adrenal failure.”
In today’s world, stress and anxiety are common issues that affect people’s overall well-being. Fortunately, practices that focus on mental and physical healing have gained popularity in recent years. Two such practices are Laughter Yoga, created by Dr. Madan Kataria, and the Energy Enhancement System, developed by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. While these practices are quite different, they share a common goal: improving mental, physical, and emotional health through the integration of mind, body, and spirit.