Ramblings from the publisher

Is it time to make a new choice?

We all hit slumps in our lives. Periods of time that we seem to just exist. We know we are not thriving, but we can’t thrive all the time, can we?

Personally, I think thriving is not a continuous state that we can maintain every day of our lives, however, we should be able to energize our physical lives to align with that of our souls’ purpose, our souls’ desires, our hopes and our dreams, at least to the extent that we are generally happy on a day-to-day basis.

If you’re not happy with your life then you need to make a change. You need to choose to do something different. And no, it is not always easy, if fact, it can be downright scary, and challenging.

We are so used to staying within our comfort zones that it usually takes a pretty good shake-up to get our attention to realize that what we are currently doing in our lives is not working for us anymore.

Years ago, due to some horrible circumstances I started seeing a therapist... I do not remember if he was a psychiatrist or a psychologist, but he was very helpful for me. I remember he once told me, “It doesn’t matter if you make a good choice, or a bad choice, but you have to make a choice to move in one direction or another.”

It’s true, you have to change something. Rather it turns out to be the right choice or the wrong choice, just change something. You can always choose again if you find what you changed isn’t right for you. But to shift out of the space you are in you have to move in some way.

Another way of making this point is the old question of “What is the definition insanity?” It is doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting a different result. If you do the same thing all the time, then you are pretty much assured of getting the same result.

However, the thought of shaking things up can paralyze us right where we stand. The good thing is, is that we don’t have to turn our world upside down to make a different choice. Simply acknowledging we are not happy/satisfied with our life as it is, in this moment, is a starting point to make change.

When we take a good look at what is stirring our unhappiness often times the change we find we really want isn’t something major. It could just be making a minor adjustment ~ having a conversation, asking a question of ourselves or those we interact with.

Take the time to really think it through, until you are very clear, on what you want to change.

Often it can be the opinions of others in our lives that stop us from making the changes that would make us happy. Or friends that are not really wanting to support our growth because it might take us away from them. Or maybe someone else thinks they know what is best for you ~ and you let these other people/opinions re-direct your thoughts and energy. Remember, I said it isn’t always easy!

Would joining a book club make you happy... just to get out and interact with others? Or maybe asking your child or spouse to help out around the house so that you could have a little “me time” ~ would that make you happy? Maybe having a pet would make you happy? What about volunteering somewhere and putting your energy into helping others?

And then again maybe you’ll find it is a BIG change you want. Maybe it’s time to move to another country. Or maybe it’s time to have a baby. Maybe you want to take the risk to start your own business. Or maybe you’d be happy going back to school or making a career change.

It doesn’t have to be earth shattering,
it just has to be LIFE Affirming!!

What is something that you know has to change? Can you make a plan about how to change it? Give yourself a realistic time line and then take the actions needed. What will it take for you to make a change, take a chance and align with your souls’ happiness?

YOU are the only YOU that exists!

I wish you a truly Great Day!


Debbie Dalrymple
Publisher & Student of Life
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