Tensions were often high in our family at the holidays. Even when the day seemed fine going into it there could be a heavy feeling lingering in the air causing us to await something to fall apart. The situation-upset might be a new twist every year but the energy was old and familiar.
My dad’s dad died when he was 2 years old. He and his younger brother grew up poor, living without many creature comforts. In answer to that, my dad became a very hard worker and consequently a very good provider.
Pets are cute under the tree but that doesn’t mean they make good gifts. There is an enormous responsibility in caring for pets as well as a life-long commitment.
Pets cost money. The estimated cost per year for a cat is $780 and $16,800 over a life time and dogs can be $1,570 a year and $22,000 up to $82,900 over their life time.
You need to have time and space for a new pet. People lose interest when the cute little puppy or kitten grow into an adult....
Difficulty concentrating may be a normal periodic and common occurrence. Concentration difficulties can be related to difficulty staying awake, impulsiveness, intrusive thoughts of concern, over-activity, or inattention. They can be caused by medical conditions, cognitive or psychological problems, or may be related to sleep disorders, stress, tiredness, medications, alcohol or drug use.
Hormonal changes such as those experienced around the onset of puberty when the body is forming sperm and eggs. Childbearing age when the body is producing a new Life (pregnancy) and during menopause or andropause from fifties and sixties can affect....
I want to take this time to thank all the nurses, doctors and other hospital staff going into the third year of the Covid-19 pandemic. You are heroes. I want to thank you for your dedication, service and sacrifice every day. I read/listen with a sad heart about your emotional plight of dealing with the mental anguish of Idaho politicians making health decisions that are harmful to getting the pandemic under control and the rude, nasty people you are forced to deal with as a result.
The idea occurred to me that one of the most effective “natural cures” with a track record of almost 90 years, Bach Flower Remedies, would be so helpful to the mental trauma you and your colleagues are experiencing...
November 2021 Featured Articles
The self realization process is one of constant rebirthing. Life will often hand you challenges in which you will go through a forced rebirth, never fun but most always worth it. You can follow your dreams and take action steps to make them happen. This will initiate a natural rebirth or you can call on the energy of gratitude. Gratitude seems so simple and cliche yet it is remarkably effective.
Feeling as though you’re in a constant state of recalibration and shifting? Are you up..then down…then back up all in a space of a few hours?
October 2021 Featured Articles
Recently I had worked myself into a fury over a neighboring dog that barks incessantly at random times during the day. I allowed the irritating yap to grate on my nerves to the point that I wanted to scream out, “STFU!” I also made up all kinds of stories about the “irresponsible” owners of this dog. How could they let it bark for hours on end? How could they not take better care of it? What kind of people would let a dog disturb the neighborhood in such a way? What is wrong with these people? Grrrrrr!!!
Over the years as I have consulted with 1000’s of people. The one consistent commonality is the knowledge of their symptoms but no knowledge of the cause.
All symptoms are the result of inflammation, caused by toxicity.
Toxicity is easy to take care of once you know the 4 Natural Laws of Healing.
Cleanse the Colon
Cleanse the Small Intestine
Cleanse the blood
Deliver perfect nutrients to the cells.
You’re probably saying “how can this be?” I say, “what side of the yin/yang symbol are you living on?” Both sides exist. It’s a matter of what has your attention and where is your consciousness? It’s all available. We live in a world of polarity and choices. We chose this as it offers us the greatest opportunity to expand consciousness and remember who we are through the matrix.
ALL exists on this great planet. You can be fully immersed in fear, pain, anger, doubt, victim consciousness, peace, love, joy or even bliss. Because the energy presently is so magnified....
What exactly is an aura? It is an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things, and it can be seen, felt, or sensed. Auras can reveal a person’s emotional well-being as well as their physical state of health. There are many ways of seeing auras, this is just one method.
South Africa is exploding with unrest and hatred.
The earthquake in Haiti has claimed thousands of lives.
Fires rage in the Northwestern US consuming homes, lives, and thousands of acres of beautiful county.
Covid cases are on the rise. The Delta 4 variant is in play.
Vaccinations are being mandated. People are....
August 2021 Featured Articles
1. You can not be truly happy and fulfilled living your life for someone else.
2. You can not be truly content and at peace being someone that you are not.
For years, or perhaps, for a lifetime, many of us have lived our lives trying to please others: Our parents, our family, our teachers, our co-workers, our neighbors, and even strangers. We try so hard to fit in to the norms of society. We act in such a way so people will....
Don Miguel, who wrote the book, The Four Agreements said, “The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth. We would swear they are real!” We make an assumption, we misunderstand, we take it personally, and we end up creating a drama for nothing.
July 2021 Featured Articles
The time for endless debates on issues is over. We need to act now, we need to move forward with a new perspective, gain new insights and wisdom, and identify visionary solutions. We must be actively promoting change and transformation.
5G is not about making Cell phone calls better. 5G is for “Information services”, (think broadband data, emails, downloading movies, etc.) and falls under title 1 of the FCC code.
The Treasure Valley already has a perfect and superior safe fast coverage for this via cable. Sparklight and Century link are two known providers...
June 2021 Featured Articles
It’s all about fleas! by Shirley Scott - animal communicator/psychic/medium
It’s flea season and here are some tips to help keep your house free of fleas.
1. Dish soap
Fill a bowl with dish soap and water and leave in a room where there are fleas. It works best at night because are nocturnal creatures. Change it daily.
2. Herbal flea spray
This mixture is safe to use....
Nature Provides the Fun by Alex Francis ~ Manager at Wild Gemstones
Gazing at the delicate petals of a fragrant summer flower, one can’t help but be filled with wonder. It isn’t necessarily the science of flora reproduction or pollinator scavenging that causes one to feel so captivated. Nor is it necessarily the millions of years-old history of blooming evolution that has outlasted multiple mass extinction events on our planet. The sheer magic that happens at the very core of our existential awareness is due to something much simpler, requiring very little study or in-depth analysis. The fantastic power of flowers is that they hold....
We open June, just having entered the 2nd Mercury Retrograde period of 2021. As noted in last month’s column, this is a time to attend to the “Re’s” of our world – reconsider, recreate, reinvent, reflect until June 22nd when Mercury will go direct. Then, what we have discovered & retooled in the weeks before can be applied to our lives. We are ready to move forward.
Fungus/Yeast/Candida. If you have heavy metals, you have yeast. The biggest contributor to yeast is those Silver and Gold Amalgam fillings. Yeast will prevent mercury from converting to Methyl mercury which is worse. Yeast, however needs sugar to survive. Your body will....
May 2021 Featured Articles
How I move forward with any one possibility is directed by the energy of that specific possibility.
I offer Here, for your consideration, what is maybe a different perspective on all of this. One that I feel will empower many of you, right now to take charge, and step into your divine/personal/spiritual/energetic power during this lifetime.
What if,...
The ego has been referred to as a “sly pirate”. It masquerades itself as the true you and much of the time you can’t tell whether it’s your soul that is guiding or the unhealed inner child that is afraid. The ego is directly connected....
These two approaches are:
1. Reactive approach- this is where our behavior is modified much like Pavlov’s dog (with positive reinforcement), or modified through fear-based tactics (often referred to as propaganda inundation). Our decisions are based upon these modifications.
2. Creative approach- making decisions based upon calm, centered and grounded observations, and the decisions that come from that basis.
These approaches are compounded by the effect they have upon our biological and emotional conditions. Living in fear base results in...
Intuition is a big part of my life. I believe the more I listen to it, the more it talks to me. Conversely, I worry that when I don’t listen to it, my intuition might stop talking to me. I believe the more I tune into it the more it honors me with the information it has.
The catch is, intuition can only communicate with me when I listen to it. It can send me messages but until I stop, and register, “Oh this is my intuition. I need to listen right now” the voice gets ignored and the message goes unheard and opportunities get missed.
What is intuition really? I define it simply as a higher knowing from a higher, all encompassing...
April 2021 Featured Articles
Spring is a time of growth, of new beginnings! The time of year when the flowers bloom and the rains wash away the old and reveal the new. Recent days have shown signs of Spring as the daffodils and the tulips are peaking their heads up towards the sun for their natural nourishment of growth and balance.
We humans are the same. We need certain things to help us grow and feel renewed. And most importantly a sense of balance in our lives.
As the weather warms and the days grow longer, we feel a sense of renewal. Some call it Spring Fever!
March 2021 Featured Articles
I’d retort, “Why would I do that? Shouldn’t I spend more time living my experiences and less time writing them down?”
Sometimes, to appease momma, I’d get a fresh book and write for a few days before tiring of it.
“It’s just not for me.”
And it wasn’t. Until I realized I was going about it all wrong.
On any given day, many of us wrestle with our fears. We might be contemplating a career change, telling someone we love them, or wanting to speak up for what’s right when we see injustice. But a voice within us pipes up saying that there’s no point, or that we aren’t really capable of creating the life or world we desire.
Whether you call it “fear” or some other name—anxiety, stress, discomfort, life challenges—the cycle often plays out in the same way. We have a desire for change, but our fear of what might happen or the worry that we are somehow not enough can keep us stuck.
In my new book, The Courage Habit, I argue that when it comes to dealing with fear, we often....
She continues: “The first day of spring is experienced when the Sun’s pathway meets the celestial equator, on that day, the first day of Aries begins. ……It is interesting to view the signs from a “seasonal” perspective to see how we live out or demonstrate the purpose of each season....
Shock and trauma is like this. The effects from previous traumatic experiences remain in our cellular and emotional memory long after an incident happens. When a shocking event occurs, trapped emotional memory lies in waiting, unprocessed. It can then be re-triggered when a similar shocking event occurs. It’s true with both animals and humans.
As in the case of Jack, above, it can limit one’s perception of reality all the time, or in other cases, only when triggered. This is because....
February 2021 Featured Articles
2021, The Year of Thrive or Dive by Geri Habstritt
2021 is the year of the 5, which in ascended numerology, means Truth Revealed. Whatever is out of alignment with your innate truth will be up for healing. The throat and back of neck are the areas that will be most affected by this energy. It takes some awareness, but notice how your throat feels as you are getting ready to speak your truth or as you are swallowing someone else’s truth. Are your actions in alignment with what you know to be true? For example, I recently visited someone who was watching a show on the energy, messages and gifts.....
The Power of Creative Visualization by Daka Jag™
Creative visualization is using the power of your mind and imagination to create what you want in life. It is the ability to create an idea, a mental picture, or a feeling. You can indeed learn to use your creative imagination in a more conscious way, using this power to truly attain what you want most in life.
You can work on any level, your goal may be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. All will have results. For example, let us say you are unhappy with your physical health. You can begin by imagining the improvements you desire, an improved blood pressure, an improved aerobic ability, an increase in strength and flexibility, a reduction in weight. You begin by relaxing....
Elections, Pandemics and Chaos Oh My! by Victoria Savage
Okay so we survived 2020 just to enter into 2021 with more violence, upheaval and division! Every news channel is spouting their certain type of fear and blame because fear is easily manipulated.
That’s the job of the media!
All of the media.
Each one has an agenda!
That agenda is to keep you in fear so they can direct your reactions to whatever their platform is. All this fear is circulating around each of us and we each share ours with the world around us and this expands because WE ARE ALL CONNECTED!!
Protection from the Pandemics with Complementary Care by Charles Lightwalker
Pandemics have repeatedly wiped out large numbers of the human population. History shows us the evidence.
About five thousand years ago, a epidemic wiped out a pre-historic village in China. The bodies of the dead were stuffed inside a house that was later burned down. All ages of people were found inside the house from babies to senior citizens. The archaeological site is now called “Hamin Mangha” and is famous in northeastern China. The epidemic happened so fast there was no time for proper burials and the site was not inhabited again.
The 2009 swine flu pandemic was caused by a new strain of H1N1 flu, that originated in Mexico in the spring of 2009 before spreading to the rest of the world. In one year, the flu virus infected as many as 1.4 Billion people....
January 2021 Featured Articles
Awaken and Become by Rand Gholson, EEM-AP
Welcome to the New Year of 2021! Most of us are relieved to have 2020 behind us, but one of the experiences provided by this terribly tough year is that people are much more aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Both are important for Awakening to who you are and what your potentials are. The key is to move past fear.
Intuitive Static by Charles Lightwalker
We all can have distortion or static on our intuitive channel. They can be outside influences or internal influences. Outside disruptions can be caused by the conversation we had with our spouse, child, parent, boss, coworker, or client, the movie we just watched, the television shows we watch. Internally, they are created by what we are thinking moment to moment, our beliefs, habits and patterns.
The latest Buzz-word Wellness…What is it really? by Victoria Savage RN
Wellness...what is it really?
As we move into this new year which we hope will be so much better than last year, the term WELLNESS is popping up everywhere.
It’s in the news, on Social media, in grocery stores and even in the convenience stores.
These days we are hearing more and more about the need for it, and how valuable it is in our life, but what really is wellness?
I can tell you what it’s not...