Hospital staff - Here is help for your mental anguish
by Mark Cook, ART(Regd)


I want to take this time to thank all the nurses, doctors and other hospital staff going into the third year of the Covid-19 pandemic. You are heroes. I want to thank you for your dedication, service and sacrifice every day. I read/listen with a sad heart about your emotional plight of dealing with the mental anguish of Idaho politicians making health decisions that are harmful to getting the pandemic under control and the rude, nasty people you are forced to deal with as a result.

The idea occurred to me that one of the most effective “natural cures” with a track record of almost 90 years, Bach Flower Remedies, would be so helpful to the mental trauma you and your colleagues are experiencing so I am writing to introduce you to these remedies which specifically affect emotions, 38 different emotions of which you can use up to seven different remedies combined at a time in a one ounce dropper bottle.

For example, remedies I would suggest could be aspen, elm, oak, olive, sweet chestnut, star of Bethlehem and white chestnut for starters. All remedies are named after the flowers which are able to assist in the specific emotions. They are not a drug and if you choose a wrong emotion/remedy, they simply don’t work. I don’t suggest “Rescue Remedy” to avoid possible failure. Custom remedies are better says the company who make them and I agree.

In this case combine:

aspen for fears and worries of unknown origin or night terrors;

elm for feeling overwhelmed and depressed;

oak for those exhausted, but struggling on;

olive for total exhaustion, fatigue due to overwork;

sweet chestnut for extreme mental anguish, hopeless despair, intense sorrow and unbearable pain to the heart and soul;

star of Bethlehem for shock and trauma

white chestnut for those thoughts that go around and around and around in your head you don’t want. Willow is also excellent if you need it.

There are a number of remedies helpful for depression. The best part is, you can feel the relief when you choose and use them correctly. Four drops under the tongue 4 x day or in a bottle of water sipped during the day. Each person chooses which remedies/emotions they wish to address.

People around the world use Bach Flower Remedies and now is a perfect time to segue into blending the two healing modalities to the advantage of you, those on the front lines and other staff. I read where emotions and frequencies are becoming more important to the medical community. That’s how Bach Flower Remedies address emotions; through frequencies/vibrations. This is the perfect opportunity to move this research forward. There is no downside to trying. They simply don’t work if you choose wrong.

Here is the link to the manufacture to further your research on this subject.

This is a very cost effective solution to the emotional trauma you and your fellow health care staff are experiencing. I charge $15 for a custom remedy (instead of $15-20 per remedy) which I feel will help you greatly. Please contact me at 208-788-2012 (text is best) if you feel Bach Flower Remedies will help you. Please visit to learn about my reflexology and other health solutions.

Thank you again hospital staff from Mark Cook, at Symbiotic Systems Reflexology.

PS: Reflexology is excellent for stress relief. Please see the classes I am offering on the Events Calendar page.