Putting the Brakes on Aging
by David DeHaas

One day, my sister-in-law was at the grocery store when she met a very energetic lady whom she thought was in her late 60s. She complimented the woman on her beautiful shawl, and the lady responded, “Thank you, it was a gift for my 92nd birthday!” My sister-in-law was shocked, and the lady, noticing the surprise on her face, added, “I’ve been getting colon hydrotherapy for years. It keeps me young and healthy so I can do anything I want!”

This encounter got me thinking—if you want to age gracefully, keep your faculties sharp, and live your best life, there are a few key things you can do to help slow down the aging process.

1. Gut Health: The Foundation of Wellness

Your gut is often referred to as your “second brain.” How it functions directly impacts how you feel, think, and live. If you have food allergies or sensitivities to plants, this could be a sign of leaky gut, which can be healed quickly with colon hydrotherapy. The good news? Your gut regenerates its cells every 5 days—fascinating, right?

Colon cleansing is not only refreshing but life-changing. I’ve personally had over 800 colonics, and I feel better at 66 than I did at 30!

2. Liver Health: Detox to Thrive

Your liver has about 500 different functions, including regulating hormones and thyroid function. If you’re experiencing problems with any of these, cleansing your liver is a must. But first, it’s important to cleanse your large intestine and small intestine, which is about 36 feet long and has a surface area roughly the size of a tennis court. This is the foundation of true detoxification.

3. Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Health: Healing from the Inside Out

Old traumas, even the ones you may not remember, can have lasting effects on your body. Every cell in your body is made up of atoms, and 99.99999% of each atom is space that holds energy and frequency. Your emotional well-being can play a huge role in healing, so take time to cultivate happiness, joy, and peace in your life.

My grandmother lived to be 105. Sure, she had great genes, but she was always happy—singing, praying, and smiling every day. Her positive energy played a big role in her longevity.

4. Vitamins and Minerals: Fuel for the Body

You need high-quality inputs to nourish your cells. Invest in top-notch vitamins and minerals because many over-the-counter supplements are either ineffective or downright toxic. There are key nutrients that can slow the aging process by protecting your telomeres—the parts of your DNA that determine how long your cells live.

5. Food: Quality Matters

Only eat organic—nothing else. In the U.S., more than 1,000 chemicals are allowed in our food, while Europe allows just over 400. Our food supply also lacks the vitamins and minerals it did 60 years ago, so it’s even more important to supplement with high-quality vitamins.

A Proven Path to Health

In treating thousands of people, we consistently see a quick response to health after we cleanse and detox the body and then nourish it with perfect nutrition. We call it the 4 Natural Laws of Healing. I’ve created a video that goes into more detail on our website: www.livingwaterscleanse.com.

Until next month, have a blessed and healthy month, my friends!

Listen to us on www.kidotalkradio.com/whole-body-detox-show
at 580 AM 107.5 FM ~ Or find the replay on our podcast at
www.LivingWatersCleanse.com ~ 208-378-9911
David DeHaas is a Colon Hydrotherapist and Naturopathic Health Coach.
He and his team have been providing Colon Hydrotherapy
and 10-Day Healing Retreats since 2009.