They walk alongside us, sharing in our triumphs, tragedies, and day-to-day experiences. From the very beginning, our ancestors are with us. Some of them are just as invested and involved in our lives as our living loved ones. They have so much love for us, and they’re constantly amazed at the things available to us today - the leaps and bounds we’re able to make.
It truly never gets old feeling the sense of pride that is portrayed when one’s ancestors come forward in a reading. They are some of our biggest cheerleaders in this life, and they crave connection with us. Invite your well and willing ancestors to work on building a personal relationship with you. Dedicate time to chat with them. Notice how their energy feels. Ask for their opinions and guidance, or if they can bring you a specific sign to help reassure you that they are present. If you have the desire to feel close to your ancestors, try not to see their physical absence as a boundary. You already have the power within you to begin allowing those connections to flow!
Some other ideas to help strengthen relationships with your ancestors:
• Create an altar for them! You can include photographs, flowers, herbs, things they enjoyed, or items that represent your family’s culture as a whole. (I use juniper on my altar because it represents my family’s Scottish clan name.) Provide offerings of food or drink occasionally and use this time to sit and enjoy with them, feeling into their presence.
• Journal to them. Tell them your hopes, dreams, and fears. Ask them questions and stay open to any thoughts or feelings that come up as you wait for a response. Write down anything you observe. Sometimes it may feel like nothing is happening, but with practice and time, you will start to get the hang of it! Communicating with Spirit can feel very subtle, so try to remain open minded.
• Set aside some time to simply think about them. You can do this in meditation, or you can even watch a movie or listen to music that reminds you of your heritage. Researching your family tree is also a great way to show them love. As you put intention into reflecting on their lives, they feel and deeply appreciate it.
These are just a few options, but there are so many ways to connect. Make it your own and have fun with it! Do whatever feels good and resonates with you.
Cara McGee – Medium and Intuitive Healer -