Angel Support
by Rebecca Stockwell ~ 208-859-8137
Wow, it's already February 2018! Life sure flies by when you're having fun!
New year, new hopes and new desires. The Angels are waiting to hear from you to see how they can help you with your dreams. Just ask them for assistance with the intention and expectation that you be given an answer. Being open and receptive to guidance is the key. Your answer can come from a myriad of places; Angel messages and signs, your intuition, your Heart, your Knowing and from answers to your prayers. Just ask and then listen.
The blessings of working with the Angels are wonderful, mystical and joyous. My experience working with them has been life changing for me. It is fun to ask the Angels for help then wait to hear their response. Angels want to assist us in following our path whatever it may be. They are here to protect, guide and help us.
If you decide to ask, be willing to trust that answers will come. Angels always bring about the best possible outcome.
Several years ago, while meditating by an alpine lake in the Idaho Sawtooth Mountains I asked the Angels the question "What would you have me know?" I heard a very clear answer that profoundly changed my life, "You are not alone!" This powerful message brought me to tears. I had been living alone for eight years and was having a hard time with loneliness. Both of my parents had passed in recent years which added to my feelings of isolation. I experienced a shift from this message. I went from feeling lonely to being at peace understanding that we are not separate from Spirit. I have had many similar experiences such as this through my Angel Therapy and Spiritual Coaching work.
For a magical 2018...
be clear on your desires and what you would like to manifest in your life
focus on these things and set your intention
ask the Angels for help
wait in grateful expectation
Remember you are not alone in this world and your Universe supports you in having a fulfilling life. The Angels are waiting.
I'd like to offer a Gift of Special Pricing for an Angel Therapy or Life Purpose coaching session to Hedra readers through the month of February. Please call for more infor.