Black Tourmaline - Oh How We Love It! 
 by Brenda Francis 


Black Tourmaline is well-known for its energy cleansing and purification properties. In its natural form, it resembles a beautiful log and appears similar to petrified wood; also, it is slightly heavier in weight than many other crystals. A common use for black tourmaline is to clear houses/buildings of negative or old energy, even up to and including spirits that one wishes to have move out of the space. Putting sea salt in corners and doorways and smudging with sage and palo santo are other common ways this is done as well. To work on purifying oneself, it can be beneficial too! Self purification can be a way to let go of worries and resentments which in turn may make room for new beginnings and easier access to supportive thoughts and spiritual guides.

 In my crystal healing business, I place a piece of black tourmaline in a bowl of water under the table to assist with clearing energies that prove to be stronger than both what my guides and the clients’ guides can clear easily. Then after the session I pour the water outside near a tree. Mother Earth can accept that extra energy that people have released and in turn recycle it into renewed energy. Another neat use for black tourmaline stones in crystal healing and reiki is that a client on the table can hold a clear quartz pointing upward in their left hand and a black tourmaline pointing downward in their right hand. This follows the energy pattern that the left hand is the receiving side and the right hand is the releasing side.

Black Tourmaline has a wonderfully complicated empirical chemistry formula             NaFe2+3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4 - Sodium, Iron, Aluminum, Boron, Oxygen, Silica, and Hydrogen. It can be used to create a grid around another stone to assist the energy of the other stone to be more potent, especially during calming or clearing an energy center. The Mohs Hardness rating of Black Tourmaline is 7.5 (diamonds being the hardest at 10). It is found around the world including Brazil, Africa, Pakistan, and Maine in the USA.

Brenda Francis is a Reiki Master & Crystal Healer, owner of Artist Gems - wholesale gemstones & jewelry. Artist Gems is featured at several shops including the Wild Gemstones’ kiosk in the Boise Towne Square Mall. Offering Reiki & Crystal Healing for Women - appointments with Brenda can be made online at

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