Breaking The Cycle Of Trauma
by Geri Habstritt

MANY are experiencing traumas being retriggered.  It is easy to fall back into the cycle of pain but with awareness you can rise through it and end the cycle. 

We are born into a 3D world that cycles through victim, rescuer and abuser; the drama triangle.  We continue to cycle through this until we say “ENOUGH” and claim our truth.  From here we move through the 4th and into the 5th dimension which is primarily serendipity and joy when you arrive near the top.  Claiming your truth is where you exit victim consciousness.  The challenge is the physical body is addicted to the adrenaline created by the drama/pain, thus it continues to create more pain.  Even when you choose your truth and take action steps to claim it, the body will often betray you due to this addiction.  Once you really see this, you can free yourself.  These steps will assist.

First, heal the trauma so that subconscious energy stops recreating.  Emotional Freedom Technique is amazing for this.  I’ve assisted many to release trauma that was held for 30+ years in 1 session.  Find a guide that makes you feel safe. 

Second, surround yourself with people that support you in your truth and be with them.  The first chakra is about safety in beingness.  If your first chakra doesn’t feel safe, your body will create an experience of you not being safe.  The body is terrified of any type of expansion as it believes it will get left behind thus you need to offer it more love and reassurance during expansionary times.

Third, give the body massive amounts of self love so that it trusts the guidance of your soul.  Body love meditations are wonderful.  Touching each part of the body and thanking it for its service to you works miracles.  Foot massages and pedicures offer the root chakra and body comfort and safety.

An option is to call the body out and declare “ENOUGH”.  “We’re not doing this anymore.”  The body will know you are in command and it should retreat.  It may say, “are you sure?” in which case you will need to declare “ENOUGH” again.

I recently returned to an experience that was filled with potential triggers from an old trauma.  It’s easy to retrigger the body when you are in the presence of the abuser or enter the location of where a trauma occurred.  I felt my body slipping into “I’m not safe” mode and I caught it.  I took a breath, smiled, declared “I am safe”, found a family member that supports me to stand beside me and I sailed through the experience with joy.  It took courage, confidence and awareness but now I’m free.

Geri Habstritt, Medical Intuitive & Avesa Quantum Healer
208-841-8573 ~