Change in Direction Tools
by Badeish Lange
 208-735-5376 ~ ~ 

When we recognize imbalance in our lives, it is proper to ask “What’s really important to me?”  “What makes me feel happy?”  The answer isn’t necessarily found by getting more from the outside world but in gaining more of the “you” that is within.

People who are discovering new passions within and recognizing who they are counts. “I AM valuable, important and significant.”  “I matter, and I have a contribution to make!”

The shift of passion is igniting within many of us.  It is altering our consciousness and it can change the world around us.  A shift, by definition, is the movement from one position to another or a change in direction.

In your personal life you can select attribute words that you would like to be known by.  For example: Insightful, kind, respectful, purposeful, gracious, gratitude, integrity, dignified, caring, or helpful.  Make it a long list, choosing words that will help you describe and honor your “Self.”  It is within the words that you will awaken.

Next, choose four or five of those words that make you feel especially good as you experience them.  Try on each of them and see how they feel.  Then, take one word each day for a week and be that word.

Practice and demonstrate this word in every situation and notice how it makes you feel.  When you become intentional about exercising that word, you will feel more alert, aware, and present in the NOW and in charge of yourself on your terms.

One note of attention:  This exercise produces side-affects that generally lead to feelings of certainty, well-being, and satisfaction.

Concepts to pause and reflect:
1.     God is communicating with us all the time.
2.     Feeling is the language of the Soul.
3.     There are only two sponsoring thoughts: fear and love.
4.     What you fear you will attract.
5.     All relationships are Holy.
6.     Your health is of your creation.
7.     You are a messenger and have a unique Soul vibration.
8.     What you resist persist.
9.     The purpose of the Soul is evolution.

The famous writer and spiritual teacher Shaki Gawain talked about three elements within you that determine success in any given situations:

1.     Desire:  You must have a true desire to create a desired goal to be realized.
2.     Belief:  The more you believe in your chosen goal and the possibility of attaining it, the more certain you will be to do so.  Ask yourself, “Do I believe that this goal can exist?”  “Do I believe it is possible?”
3.     Acceptance:  You must be willing to accept that which you are seeking.

The sum total if these three elements is what is called your intention.  When you have total intention to create something and believe deeply that you can do it---It cannot fail to manifest!

Thank you for listening.
Badeish Lange