Clear Quartz Crystals
by Brenda Francis
I am a Ibig fan of clear quartz points. For my crystal healing room I have six of them standing in separate containers. In the containers are sand to keep the points upward. Placed around the room they create a matrix of energy.
Each crystal point I come across is amazing to me with its inclusions and rainbow planes. Here are some basics about the stone that we include at Wild Gemstones’ kiosk clipboard necklaces at the Boise Towne Square mall. Clear Quartz is a crystalline mineral composed of Silicon and Oxygen atoms. On the Mohs scale for hardness the Quartz Crystal rates 7. It occurs in all environments and all rock types – sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous. Clear Quartz color can be crystal clear, slightly cloudy or nearly opaque. Quartz crystal forms when silica rich soils and oxygen occur in cracks and crevices underground allowing the Quartz room to expand. Depending on their environment it can take as little as a couple of days for a crystal to form or up to a million years!
Clear Quartz is known as the “stone of power” and amplifies energy, intention, and enhances other stones as well. The United States (particularly Arkansas) and Brazil are the major producers of Clear Quartz. Other countries where it is found include: Japan, Norway, China, South Korea and Venezuela.
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Brenda Francis is a Reiki Master & Crystal Healer, owner of Artist Gems - wholesale gemstones & jewelry. Artist Gems is featured at several shops including the Wild Gemstones’ kiosk in the Boise Towne Square Mall. Offering Reiki & Crystal Healing for Women - appointments with Brenda can be made online at