Do you know your karma?

Karma, Sanskrit karman (“action”), the universal causal law by which good or bad actions, thoughts, words determine the person’s future existence. This law of cause and effect is not punishment, but is for the sake of learning.

Here is what you need to know about karma.

¥ The universe returns to us all our actions and feelings that we have caused in other people. In other words, our reality is the result of all our actions, thoughts, prayers and curses. So, if we want to be happy, live in peace and love, then we should BE happy, peaceful and loving.

¥ All situations and people surround us are mirrors for us, as we are for them. They show us our inner state.

¥ What you refuse to accept and admit will keep happening to you. As soon as you accept the situation you are in, it will change.

¥ We cannot change or control people, things or situations, but we can change ourselves. And often after that, our life and situations change.

¥ If you think there is something wrong with your life, it means something is wrong with you.

¥ Where your attention goes, energy flows. If you focus your attention on hatred and fear, eventually you will get hatred and fear in your life.

¥ Live here and now. If you focus on the past, you will be depressed. If you focus on future, you will be anxious.

¥ The situation will repeat until we learn the lesson. When we understand that everything that happens is the result of our thoughts and actions, it makes us responsible. Understanding karmic laws helps us manage our lives.

Do you want to know the direction of your karmic path? What karma did you bring into this incarnation? What is your negative and positive karma? What are traps and temptation you have in this incarnation, and how can you recognize and avoid them?

In my intuitive reading/counseling sessions I use an amazing ancient system of Avesta, sacred knowledge of Zoroastrianism that will help to reveal the mysteries of your karma.


Call me now at 208-429-6393 to schedule your session!

Valentina, M.A., RMT, Intuitive Counselor and Claircognizant,

Certified Past/Parallel Lives Guide, Certified Holistic Nutritionist


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