Expanding Or Stuck In Old Paradigms?
by Geri Habstritt
We are living in an entirely new world and new level of consciousness.  The planet and everyone on it has been ascending, no matter what it may look like.  Many of the old spiritual techniques and ways no longer work.  This is good as it’s a sign of evolution.

For example, one of the grounding traditions is to see yourself growing roots into the ground and sending Gaia all that no longer serves.  Gaia has been trying to transmute our hurts, pains and garbage for a very long time.  She now NEEDS our support. It is time for us to be grounding through our hearts and to float upon Gaia and offer her LOVE and REASSURANCE.  Any cords you send her will only offer you turbulence at this time.

Smudging with grasses and wood also don’t work like they used to.  We have moved into a much higher frequency and crystalline energy.  Charged essential oils that are mixed with amplified water and misted are a more effective way of clearing.

The law of attraction has upleveled into the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation.  You can still practice the Law of Attraction as a means of manifesting.  When you enter the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation everything in your energy field manifests all the time with no conscious effort.  The only caveat is you need to be meticulous about your thoughts and focus or you might not like the results.  It’s a magical zone that is attained after the chakra system has moved from the traditional state and anchored into the ascended state.  Compassion becomes your way of life and judgment has almost completely deceased from your life experience.

A way to know if you are stuck in old paradigms and spinning laterally as opposed to lifting is if you are having the same experiences over and over again but with different team players and a new backdrop.  If this is the case, and you want to expand beyond, then you will need to say a big “YES” to your soul and trust the guidance. 

You may also need to question your spiritual mentors.  If they are stuck in old paradigms then chances are you are also.

Something that often stops spiritual beings from expansion is the belief that “if it is meant to happen it will happen”.  This is far from true.  We create with our soul’s guidance, our consciousness and our egos.  The ego will stop any possibility of expansion. A soul expansion means death to the ego.  What may look like an opportunity not working may be the ego interfering and sabotaging your growth.

Each day we have a new opportunity to say “YES”!

Geri Habstritt is an Avesa Quantum Healer, Medical Intuitive &
Self Ascension Intuitive Counselor in Boise, ID.  She can be heard weekly
on www.Onenesstalkradio.com and reached at 208-841-8573. 
Visit www.https://gerihab.wixsite.com/joyfulliving