Ghostbusting---An Unusual Profession
(Eric Evans is a man with an interesting spiritual calling.)
by Badeish Lange ~ 208-735-5376 ~ ~
Here is a little background on why I am writing this article…..I personally learned how to release spirits and as a Psychic/Medium coming from a family of sensitives. I realized a long time ago that I did not want to offer ghostbusting as a part of my service! Ghostbusting is so much more than the average person knows. Many people go to haunted attractions and don’t realize how dangerous this can be. I lived unknowingly in a new constructed home that was on sacred Indian land. Someday, I will share with you what it was like living with many good and challenging spirits in my home in Woodland Hills, California. This track of 300 homes was featured on a TV show in the late 70’s called, “That’s Incredible!”
I met Eric Evans a few years ago when people were calling me to help them with their ghost hauntings and also they were looking for a person who does exorcisms. Needless to say, I was looking for someone in Twin Falls, Idaho or the surrounding area that was highly educated and experienced on many levels of natural phenomenon. A definition of phenomenon is an exceptional, unusual or abnormal person, thing, or occurrence.
Soon, I was referred to this remarkable man, Eric Evans, a true phenomenon in the field of “Ghostbusting”! Eric doesn’t like the term ghostbusting, he sees himself as a spiritual healer and empath. Free of charge, he and his lovely wife Laurie volunteer to do “house cleansing and redirect the bad vibes. If something has happened in a building or with people, they can sense it. Eric says, “We try to find out what it is and do what we can to resolve the problem.”
Evans and his wife both practice the Art of Reiki and believe there is a universal life energy that has real and everyday effects on the lives of all human beings.
Evans abilities perceive things beyond the five senses and as an Empath, his abilities extend into higher dimensions. A good definition of an empathic person is one who is highly attuned to the energies and emotions of those around them and can absorb or take on the emotions themselves!
Eric’s abilities range from a capacity to recognize negative energy to an ability to feel spirits. In this gift of the “Soul Senses”, he communicates with ghost/spirits while remote viewing into other dimensions. Being a modest man, additionally Eric sees Animal Spirits, Nature Spirits and Multi-Dimensional Beings! When asked, “When did these sensitivities begin?” He says that he has had these abilities for years and in the process of living life and having amazing experiences, he found his way!
Eric is looking for resolution to a traumatic event in the home or with someone connected to the land or home and directs them towards the light. When he finds a Spirit, he says that most of them go willingly. For those who do not want to move on, Eric might have to bring in others with additional gifts/talents to assist him.
One of the reasons that I am sharing this information is that Eric Evans does not advertise, take money for his services and based on my experiences of him, he’s the man to call if you ever need a highly professional Ghostbuster, Healer or Teacher! I am truly blessed to have Eric in my life as a colleague and good friend.
You can reach Eric Evans at (208) 731-6222
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Thank you for listening,
Badeish Lange