Go Smudge Yourself!: a Brief Introduction to Smudges

We are often asked many questions about our smudges, the most common are: What do each of them do and What's the differences between them?  Today, we are going to cover each one briefly, their uses and how they differ.
Probably the most well known smudge is Sage (featured bottom right). Sage is a small perennial plant with a woody stem. Its leaves have a grey hue, and its flowers range from blue to purple. Sage has a unique aroma profile, described as a warm, astringent fragrance with a sweetness kin to menthol.  Magically, Sage has a variety of purposes including:
•     Sage is purported to give long life, even immortality, by eating some every day in May.
•     It promotes wisdom if carried on a regular basis.
•     It attracts what is needed, well being and prosperity.
•     To ward off the evil eye, wear a small horn filled with sage.
As a smudge, Sage neutralizes energies, feelings and influences essentially leaving a clean slate. Sage is also said to repel evil spirits and ghosts.
The Sage in our photo is wrapped with roses and other wild flowers to promote positive influences, energies and purity (featured top left and center)
Lavender, (featured bottom center) also known as the tranquility herb, has been utilized for thousands of years. Lavender's sweet fragrance conjures memories of peace, relaxation and restful sleep. Thus, Lavender has been used primarily for sleep and meditation magics. Lavender can also be used for asperging, whose strong purification properties provide a calm, serene atmosphere.
Lavender can be used to prevent nightmares, empower psychic visions, and provide a purified environment to perform magical workings. Lavender can be used for healing as well, the highly fragrant flower can release tension, calm the anxious and refill energy reservoirs.
Palo Santo, (featured bottom left) is a mystical tree that grows on the coast of South America and is related to Frankincense, Myrrh and Copal. In Spanish, the name literally means "Holy Wood". It is part of the citrus family and has a fragrance consisting of sweet notes of pine, mint and lemon.
While the benefits of Palo Santo are similar to Sage, purification, removal and repellent of evil and evil forces, Palo Santo has a few extra benefits.  Such benefits include:
•     Intensifying magical and spiritual connections
•     Luck
•     Blessing (rather than neutralizing)
•     Healing
Yerba Santa, (featured top right) is a shrub which grows in the mountain regions of New Mexico, Arizona, and Mexico. Considered to be a sacred plant of energy, it is traditionally burnt or kept in medicine bags. Burning the plant neutralizes negative energies which cause illness and the fragrance creates an atmosphere of healing. The healing properties of Yerba Santa helps to release the emotional pain that is often stored in the lungs and heart areas, such as:
•     Grief,
•     Depression,
•     Melancholy, and
•     Despair.
These emotions can impair the breathing and flow of the soul's energy. Restoring them helps to attune one's energy rejuvenating vitality and sense of self.
Yerba Santa is also apotropaic, and is often referred to as a "Portable Temple" because it will drive out negative influences and create a guarded boundary of protection.
For more information, stop by or contact Altar Egos, we would love to talk with you!
Ryan and Dani
Altar Egos ~ 208.968.1031 ~ alteregosboise.com
1522 S Vista Ave, Boise ID 83705