The information that I have collected is presented here to encourage you to develop what is called “Universal Peripheral Vision”. The challenge of our time is to become alchemists, transmuting the energy of insight and wisdom into practical living and thus to spark your own mastery into action.
The subject of any of the healing tools is like a matrix! Here are insights to what can be helpful towards your own perceptions of thinking, feeling and knowing. This is based on intuitional experienced discovered within.
Developing Color Sensitivity: The more sensitive we can become to color and its effects, the more we can use it to our benefit.
Simply get a set of 3 X 5 index cards. On one side of the card list the various attributes of a specific color. On the opposite side, used markers, or crayons to color it appropriately, having one card for each color. Have one card for every color of the rainbow.
With relaxed and rhythmic breathing, study each card one at a time and, then read its characteristics. Do this several times.
Next is to become sensitive to how the colors feels. Our hands have the capability of sensing energy changes and differences. Example: When we touch someone or shake their hand, we get impressions about that person. We can apply this ability to developing color sensitivity.
With eyes closed, shuffle and mix the colored cards. With the colored surface facing up allow your free hand to do the sensing. Now determine if it has a warm feel or cool feel. This lets you know whether it is in the red (warm) spectrum or the blue (cool) spectrum. With practice, you will develop the ability to identify the color by its feel. Later, you will also be able to project color energies with your Minds Eye and then into your hands.
Color Therapy Through Touch: All energies follows thought. Where we put our thoughts, that’s where the energies go. If we focus on color, the energy emanations from the body begin to change to a frequency that resonated with that particular color.
Energy emanates more strongly from the body than from other parts and minor chakra points are in the palms of the hand; it is known as having a therapeutic touch.
Exercise: Rub the palms together for about 15 to 30 seconds. This activated the chakras in the palms and increases their sensitivity.
Extend your hands in front of you, holding them about a foot apart. Slowly bring the palms towards each other. Without touching them, draw them slowly apart to about six inches, and repeat this in and out movement. As you perform this exercise, pay close attention to what you feel or sense.
You might feel a pressure building up, a sense of tickling or heat. You might visualize a ball of light and can bounce it with your hands!
This exercise develops concentration and it helps to confirm that our energy field does not stop at skin level. The next step with practice is the ability to control the intensity of the energy radiations from your hands.
Conditions & Corresponding Colors:
Three powerful colors used together are yellow, red, and blue. Additionally, crystal are also in natures color code and can be integrated into this list of information.
Badeish’s Personal Experience: I worked as a “healer” in the Los Angeles area, near the movie studios back in the mid 80’s. Many levels of new information started happening every time I worked with a client.
One was the power of the color spectrum. I would have my client lay face up and they would be covered with a white cotton sheet.
I would run my hand a foot above their body for about 1 to 2 minutes. In the process of the scan, colors would show up and with each of the colors came through a reveal…the clients’ trapped emotions, cellular emotions that are negative intrusions, childhood traumas, and many more experiences that most people would not believe is possible. Color is an energetic language!
Granted, I studied the body systems, the language of color, and the chakras energetic relationships but…because I trusted the spiritual- process of the healing arts, many wondrous things happened both for my clients and expansion of knowledge for myself.
If you are interested in the Healing Arts, here is three books and authors that I can recommend are great teachers.