Hypnosis and the Power of Your Subconscious Mind  ~  Part I
by Badeish Lange
208-735-5376 ~ www.badeish.com ~ badeish@frontier.com


This is an important subject that has been misunderstood by many cross sections of our culture.  Let’s start with what Hypnosis is not!  Here we find fear based perceptions because of feelings of losing self-control and the long list of other misconceptions.  These falsehoods date back years in the more traditional religious teachings and still exist today; additionally, some people are afraid of hypnosis because of misinformation acquired from movies, novels, or television.

Hypnosis is a soulful process and like anything in life can be flipped into a misuse.  Example:  When you take Hypnosis out of its clinical/healing application and used as entertainment, then there are the misconceptions/assumptions.  Entertainment is for fun and Clinical Hypnosis is for healing purposes.

I have been a Clinical Hypnosis Therapist since 2007 and have experienced watching people’s negative reaction on the mention of the word hypnosis and therefore, I will be releasing a series of articles giving insights to the truth and healing process when utilizing Hypnosis as an opportunity for spiritual growth!

What is Hypnosis?  It is a temporary altered state of consciousness in which we move back and forth between the conscious and unconscious mind.  Light Hypnosis is something we experience every day.  We are operating out of subconscious mind or what is called “the feeling mind”.  Watching television, being on our computers, or driving our car past a freeway exit or drifting off to sleep at night is level one hypnosis.

Level two and three hypnosis is where the brain and nervous system respond to new mental images with “positive mental expectancy”.  We become what we think about; old patterns replaced with new instructions.  Once a suggestion has been accepted by the subconscious mind, it becomes acted upon through the body, mind and spirit!  An emotionally induced symptom tends to cause “organic” changes if persisted in a long deep emotional and energetic connection.

There are many overlapping levels of hypnosis but for the sake of simplification, I will break them down into three:

A.    Beta Brain waves or light trance:  You become very relaxed, although you probably will not feel that you are hypnotized.

B.    Alpha Brain waves or medium trance:  You become totally relaxed and are completely open to suggestions.  You can feel or relive any suggested event.  You may be aware, to a degree, of what is going on around you but, it will not distract you from the hypnotist’s voice.

C.    Theta Brain waves or deep trance:  You become completely relaxed and respond easily to standard hypnotic depth tests.  You will not remember what you have experienced while under hypnosis unless specifically commanded to do so upon reawakening.   
(I believe my clients have the knowledge of their hypnosis session so we can share important information.)

Facts:  In regards to healing when using hypnosis, it opens the “morphogenic-field” around our human DNA!  Within the morphogenic-field around the DNA is belief systems recorded energetically in our super-subconscious mind and sub-conscious mind.  Present life identity and even past life identities are all recorded and held in this energetic life force energies.  Is it guarded?  In my experience there are guardians/angels available to assist the morphogenesis happening within the intelligence of our body.

I’ve been asked the question, “Where is this morphogenesis-field of intelligence located in the body?”  “The answer is it is active in every human cell and our auric field; it mirrors its self as a hologram and vibrates as life-force intelligence while also found physically active in what is called the “Torus Tube”. 

Visualize a hollow tube running from the center of the brain and continuing down the total length of the spine.  Now picture in your minds eye a silver/light blue light sparkling within the hollow tube.  You are now seeing the Torus Tube!

A key element of healing at the DNA level involves being able to intuitively sense and identify our limiting belief systems and then to change them at their “origination point” within the DNA itself.  Our Divine intelligence is waiting to be re-discovered and hypnosis is an important spiritual pathway.

Our brains are hard-wired to open the functions of the frontal brain.  This part of the human brain operates off our sensory capacities.  On the average, we have had a six sensory system and now we are moving into a nine sensory system. 

Not everyone can be hypnotized.  The reason for this is sometimes a strong left brain function, fear, or emotional conditioning. The process is no more dangerous than sleep and has a very high rate of success in many areas, just to mention a few: Weight loss, stress management, anger issues, pain management and past life recall. 

Hypnosis accesses the greater mind for creativity solutions to problems, enforcing positive patterns, and assists the physical healing process.  For many people it is the fear of not being able to come out of the trance!  It would be impossible to remain hypnotized as you would drift off into sleep and feel rested upon awakening. 

Another question:  Could something be done against someone’s will?   When you are hypnotized, you are aware of all suggestions and will not do anything you are opposed to doing.  You can only be helped by your own desire.  Besides, the commonly known uses for hypnosis such as quitting smoking or losing weight, it can benefit anyone.  We can use hypnosis in our own Self-Hypnosis Program.  (More on this subject in my next article.)

In a Self-Hypnosis Program these are a few of the titled “Scripts” that can assist the superconscious mind, or higher self: 

·      Improve personal relationships
·      Strengthening of your immune system to resist disease
·      Pain control
·      Heightened psychic awareness
·      Elimination of tension and increased self-confidence
·      Protect yourself from the negativity of others

In the next article for April 2024, I will be sharing more insights regarding hypnosis, a personal clinical experience and a helpful self-hypnosis script to strengthen your immune system.

Here are a few books on hypnosis that could prove helpful:
·      Hypnotism & Meditation   by Ormond McGill
·      The Power of Your Subconscious Mind    by Dr. Joseph Murphy
·      Hypnosis for Beginners    by William W. Hewitt


Thank you for listening.
Badeish Lange