Making Yourself #1, the key to EVERYTHING!!
This all begins with putting yourself first, making yourself #1. If you dare to place all of your attention on you, heal yourself, make your joy the utmost importance, others around you will follow suit through the energy you carry. This is how you become true healers, helpers and consciousness shifters. If everyone were to do this, there would indeed be no one to save as everyone would be loving and caring for themselves.
If you are wondering where to begin, start here:
1) Connect with your inner child. Take yourself back to that little child and ask what she/he is longing to do again. What got left behind in the rigors of life? Discover what that is and do it, if even for 15 minutes a day.
2) Learn to say “No”. Cut out every obligation that doesn’t feel like JOY! Adding the energy of frustration or guilt to the world doesn’t serve you or the world.
3) Get clear on your boundaries and learn to express them. Take time to define what and who is nourishing to you and what/who isn’t, what are you giving your energy to and what is taking from you. When clear, you can reclaim your energy back. You may need to verbalize these new boundaries. Once you do, your soul will know you are serious about your new direction and you won’t be tested as often.
4) Be impeccable about balance. There should always be a balanced energy of giving and receiving in every interaction.
In the saying “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF” it’s the self that is to be loved first if we are to love our neighbors properly.