How to Overcome Feeling Overwhelmed
by Badeish Lange
 208-735-5376 ~ ~


There can be many different approaches to overcome unwanted challenging feelings.  It is my intention to share with you what you can do to take your power back and create an energetic clearing for your body, mind & spirit.

When you experience moments where you can’t keep up, when everything is going sideways and you just can’t seem to get it together----this is the invitation to stop and breathe.

Last December’s cosmic energies of upset nationally and internationally are still swirling and gusting around us but these gusting mysterious winds can also have a clearing out effect, where more truths and new realities are surfacing!

Our mental body has possibly felt overworked and this is showing up for many people on their immune systems.  Let’s look at how we can approach overwhelmed feelings from a powerful but simple perspective.  Simple in this case is holding powerful energies that just needs spiritually/psychologically to be tapped, and activated.

Our old stuck thoughts are now surfacing for intentional awareness and release.  The persistent and recurring thoughts that reduce you to fear filled, unproductive thought patterns are being brought up for examination.  This is good.  It may feel uncomfortable, but it is good.  For many, there arises also a sense of frustration and futility.  Don’t allow yourself the familiar old habit of beating yourself up for even having these thoughts.

Realize the possibility that you are connected in an inextricable Matrix of Spirit with the entire collective Spirit.  We are the sacred witness to the massive release of the underpinnings of a “fear matrix”. 

An example may be your gut reactions to violence, what is happening in the news, cable TV and, the violent/dark sexual movies being produced by Hollywood.  We could go as far as to say that our morality is under attack along with a majority of our religions and…. in place is mind-control and Satanism!


1.     Be aware of thoughts that emerge as if from nowhere and everywhere.  These can be fed and energized further when there is a “mass agreement” on their supposed truth.  Say to yourself, “Clear the Mechanism”!  It would be like hitting a key on your computer turning it off.  In this case, you are in charge and releasing the matrix of negative thoughts.

2.     Realize you have a choice and in the moment you have empowerment.

3.     Monitor and be vigilant about your own energy field.  This is something you have control over, so stay aware and “re-shift” your energy back to harmony and balance.

4.     Give yourself an immediate time out if you start to feel at all frustrated or fearful, because you can see it as a slowing down for a reason…. Again, “Clear the Mechanism”!

5.     You have a spiritual tool box, tools that have been given to you over the years.  Review your choices to decompress.

Thank you for listening, 
Badeish Lange