2023 is going to be the STORM of consciousness. This past year we’ve had an entire year of consciousness uplevels that have been ushered in with each new moon, full moon, equinox and eclipse. You may have noticed an intensity around these times. This was Gaia herself supporting the upliftment of humanity offering gateways to higher consciousness. When these intense energies come in they flush out what doesn’t serve. For those who are conscious it’s a moment of cleansing, hand to heart, deep breathing and conscious energy movement. For those who are unconscious it’s digging in heels, projecting and outrage. Both are happening simultaneously. Depending on where your intention, focus and energy lies you will be either having the time of your life or the nightmare of your life.
Because we are at a moment of self ascension, meaning the opportunity to bring your soul’s energy into full expression into your body, (actually becoming the superhero that is portrayed in the movies) we are going to constantly be upleveled. This is going to create a STORM in 2023. This will give everyone the opportunity to See The Oneness and Reclaim Mastery (S.T.O.R.M) or get whipsawed by it. Remember all of your outer experiences are a reflection of your energy. To stand in the middle of a storm is to lift above all the drama, see the gift and hold open the energy of non-judgment no matter the circumstances. This is a big one because in order to release judgment of all means one has to release self judgment. For those that are able to do this, a sea of neutrality is sustained to assist the balance of the STORM.
Be mindful of the consciousness traps. There are several that are meant to trap people and make ascension tougher; 5G, GMO’s, air toxicity, the news, politics in general, spiritual activism, spiritual arrogance and instant plug-in machines that will offer the energy of enlightenment. They will be readily available in 2023 and well funded. Giving your power over to a machine will never anchor enlightenment within. It will only make you dependent thus stopping you from the exact thing you are trying to attain.
There are 2 amazing little handbooks written to prepare you for the coming STORM. They are The Ascension Renaissance Series available at Amazon, written by Sri Ram Kaa and Master Lady Kira Raa. They are only $2.99 for Kindle and the proceeds go to building pyramids, supporting the Amazon and the homeless.
Prepare yourself for what’s to be an amazing year ahead and know that consciousness has expanded further than it ever has before. This is an incredible success!!