This is a busy time of year for many people. There’s a lot of stress, food, travel, colds and flu, family and friend gatherings, holidays, and money spent. It’s already difficult for many people to slow down, tend to their needs, and take time for rest and relaxation.
This hunger, drive, and rush to do things, to consume, to never slow down, and to take time to integrate and process our interactions of the day, let alone the season, is a burden on most people. It creates exhaustion, poor sleep, depression and anxiety, lack of clarity, lack of balance and harmony in oneself and with the interactions with others and the world around us.
In our society, we’re pushed to be productive. We’ve become wired to work. While being productive and putting care and attentiveness into the things and people we love is good, we also need to learn to take time for ourselves. We must also give ourselves attentiveness and care, which is another thing on your to-do list. I get it. But it’s so important to carve out time to take that salt bath, eat a healthy meal, or go for a walk, and get time outdoors. These are just simple ways to make time to take care of yourself.
We can’t pour from an empty cup. Once we start trying, it’s too easy to fall apart and succumb to fatigue, anxiety, depression, and illness. You can’t run yourself into the ground and expect to make good choices, be productive, and feel your best. If you continue to do it, you may receive a harsh life lesson that forces you to slow down. How do we slow down?
Let me put on my Capricorn Sun hat and tell you, as Saturn himself would, it takes discipline. It also means going against the mainstream. While everyone is talking about how busy they are, as if it’s a competition, you won’t do that anymore. You’re going to choose to slow down, and guess what? You’re still going to be productive; trust this old goat. Here’s how this works.
1. Get grounded, get centered, get present. Take a few minutes daily or throughout the day to tune in to your body and your breath, place your hands on your heart, and connect to yourself. Listen. What’s your body telling you? What does it need? If you can get on or near some of the Earth, a plant, outside, a tree, or a grounding stone, and if not, call on Mama Earth; she’s the master of grounding. You can ask her for support in grounding you. Anywhere. You can be inside and still connect to this current of energy. Connect with intention.
2. Learn to accept your limitations. Be good at what you can do, and what’s outside your pay grade and skillset, refer out or say no. You aren’t here to save the world. The world isn’t going to fall apart because you respected yourself enough to say no to something you don’t want to do or can’t do. Saying yes to everything and people-pleasing isn’t doing you any favors, and to be honest, probably isn’t truly serving anyone else that you’re trying to please, either. Stop stretching yourself thin.
3. Now, you’re freed up. You can direct your energy and resources more meaningfully and intentionally when you say yes to what you can do without overdoing it and saying yes to everything and everyone.
4. Focus on presence. Put your phone down. You don’t need to be a cyborg attached to a computer all day and all night. Get present with what you’re doing, where you’re at, and who you’re with. It’s not easy at first to pull away from the virtual worlds within the palm of your hand. Still, you’ll feel so much better when you set healthy boundaries and schedules with computers and cell phones and all the distractions and energy-sucking going on once you start checking emails, texts, and social media.
5. Be more productive. Wait, what? Didn’t I just tell you how our society is constantly pushing us all to be productive all the time? I did. When you slow down and get present with what you’re doing, you’re going to make fewer mistakes, make better choices, and you’re going to enjoy what you’re doing more. Especially when you’ve said no to things you don’t want to or can’t do. Taking the slow-down approach actually does help you to be productive without taking a toll on your body, mental health, and energy.
If you’re in need of a time out, I’d love to have the privilege of holding space and facilitating relaxation, connection, and healing with you. Reiki, sound baths, and crystal therapy are beneficial ways to support yourself and get the much-needed TLC you deserve.