Nature’s Solution to Toxins
by Catherine Kane


As we move from fall into winter and the season for illnesses caused by bacteria, viruses and infections, it is very satisfying to be able to share a solution from nature which safely detoxs the body. It causes no harm, no matter what the state of one’s health, allowing the body to fix itself as it was designed to do.

Probably the biggest challenge we face today is the accumulation of heavy metals and toxins from the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink.  The body is no longer able to keep up with the burden of eliminating these toxins so it protects us by hiding them in fat and bone.  The accumulation begins to create chemical imbalances which wreak havoc on our health.

Several studies on the effects of heavy metals and toxins have rung alarm bells for me and inspired me to focus on what I consider to be the foundational piece for maintaining or regaining health…cleaning out the toxins.  Whether or not one has already noticed a problem or received a diagnosis, it makes sense on many levels to clean out the body on the inside just as we bathe and maintain the health and cleanliness of the outside.

Being a mother and grandmother, I am most concerned about future generations because the problem is not just the toxins we accumulate living on the planet, it is now what babies are born with from the bio-accumulation of parents.  Following is a Summary printed July 14, 2005 by the Environmental Working Group:

“In a study spearheaded by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in collaboration with Commonweal, researchers at two major laboratories found an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants in umbilical cord blood from 10 babies born in August and September of 2004 in U.S. hospitals.  Tests revealed a total of 287 chemicals in the group.  The umbilical cord blood of these 10 children, collected by Red Cross after the cord was cut, harbored pesticides, consumer product ingredients, and wastes from burning coal, gasoline, and garbage.

Of the 287 chemicals we detected in umbilical cord blood, 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests.  The dangers of pre- or post-natal exposure to this complex mixture of carcinogens, developmental toxins and neurotoxins have never been studied.

The 10 children in this study were chosen randomly, from among 2004’s summer season of live births from mothers in Red Cross’ volunteer, national cord blood collection program.  They were not chosen because their parents work in the chemical industry or because they were known to bear problems from chemical exposures in the womb.  Nevertheless, each baby was born polluted with a broad array of contaminants.”

In 2018, Consumer Reports tested baby food and found 33 of 50 foods were associated with potential health risks for children due to combined exposures from three heavy metals, arsenic, lead and cadmium. 

These heavy metals and pesticides (insecticide, herbicide, and fungicide) residues accumulate in the soils ending up in the food supply.   We are all exposed to accumulating amounts which at some point will cause our health to tilt when the body is unable to keep up with its toxic burden.

Heavy metals and pesticides are top of the list of environmental toxicants endangering nature.

High concentrations of heavy metals are found in municipal solid waste.  All types of municipal solid waste (MSW) compost contain more heavy metals than the background concentrations present in soil and will increase their contents in amended soil.

Pesticides have been found in breast milk in women near the Arctic Circle. To find clean, chemical-free ice they had to go 100 feet deep.  The nastiest work of pesticides happens at very low levels of exposure accumulating without symptoms over years before manifesting as disease.  You can see the detrimental connection of heavy metals by searching the name of any health condition, diagnosis, or disease name and adding the two words ‘heavy metals’ to your search.

In January of this year, dark chocolate was found to be contaminated with both cadmium and lead!  All my favorite brands were on the tainted list so I began doing research.  The beans take up cadmium from the soil.  After they are harvested, the sticky beans are removed from the pods and laid out in the sun to dry.  They accumulate the lead from the atmosphere which contains dust from industrial sites and from leaded gas.

Effects of heavy metals:

*Kidney stress


*Disruption of the nervous system

*Hormone disruption

* Immune System cell damage

* Disruption of mineral balance

Thankfully, nature provides a safe, effective, inexpensive way to remove both heavy metals and volatile compounds like diesel fumes that does not cause damage to or stress any organs, enabling the body to do what it is designed to do, repair itself.  We can be proactive and prevent the diagnosis or symptoms and we can also improve a situation which has already occurred  so that  we, and our loved ones, enjoy a better quality of life.

Solutions from Nature - Zeolite/Detoxolite - Safely Detoxify
Catherine Kane, CBT - 360.774.1431  ~  email: