Synesthesia is a powerful word meaning “sensory/soul-sense effect” in which…one sense stimulates and activates other soul senses.
Our soul senses sometimes are referred to as ‘Gifts’ but the truth is they are natural abilities and when used appropriately, the soul senses are truly then considered a Gift.
State of Synesthesia: A transcendent meditation/visualization or state of hypnosis which can alter people’s personalities long-term, creating new experiences with a deeper appreciation of Spirit, magnify their curiosity along with heightening their empathic abilities.
Many of us want to have experiences with the spiritual/mystical and the authentic part of our Spirit desires the connection to the Divine; but at the same time, we are also afraid to be open about the idea of having it be…an expression of the unseen world.
We keep looking for our Divine Connection and Higher Consciousness in the form of a vibrational field much like a “God Particle” within us.
It’s a spiritual splendor that our individual DNA is unique to every human being. Our vibrational frequencies are one of a kind and our “Divine Intelligence” is waiting to be re-discovered. Our brains are hard-wired to open the functions of the frontal brain known as the Pineal Gland and operates off our sensory capacities. As I may have mentioned before, we have been utilizing a six sensory system but now, we are going into a nine sensory system!
I have been asked the question, where is this “God Particle” field of intelligence located in our body? It has come to my understanding the God Particle is active in every human cell and the aura; mirroring its self as a hologram and vibrating as the life-force intelligence. Life force enters the body through the crown and travels down what is called the “Torus Tube” an ethereally charged tube like structure, while delivering energetic communications to the whole chakra system; this activity will affect the physical and emotional body.
What if it has always been a part of our DNA and we are slowly waking up to the idea that our electrical structure is being rewired and…our bodies can receive this “Holy Communion”!?
What if the dimensional-veil is getting thinner and the earth’s magnetic field is changing while exchanging energies…whereby our heart is opening to feel more love and hope!?
I believe the inactivated brain regions will begin to show new brain activity that will synchronize in time. In the beginning you might experience colors, images, vibrations, sounds or a combinations of many of these energies.
The end result is a state of consciousness where remote viewing is experienced with more psychic awareness. In order to navigate through these extra-sensory perceptions, one may be conscious of movement through what is called “the light body”.
How do I know? I’ve been experiencing this spiritual-phenomena for many years. It is a heighten sense of awareness and a knowing the egg shaped ‘auric field’ has been clearly altered.
It is a state of awareness where the harmony is physically felt on the nervous system. We may feel an infusion of information that is quickly absorbed and is monitored by our own “Soul’s-Knowing”.
When we experience an energetic opening on the solar plexus, our innate sensory system begins to operate out of a higher understanding of how to activate and use our new abilities. We can even call it a “knowing”.
We are now entering an “intersection” of where darkness is being replaced, by the “God Particle” and residing in all of us is the calling and potential to turn on more Light!
This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. This little light of mine can’t hide it under a rock, no, this little light of mine…let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Who knew such a traditional church song that I heard as a child would hold such a powerful meaning!
“The work of conscious traveler’s is to become aware of the signals from the Soul and to differentiate those from the signals of illusions.” Thank you, Archangel Zadkiel
People are like stained-glass windows, they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within! By: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross