The Journey of You
by  Janell Billings ~ ~ 208-412-6370


Every once in a while, we are called to step out of our daily lives to look around and discover where we have lost balance. To take a moment and celebrate all that we’ve accomplished, to gather new skills, heal old wounds, and to find inspiration for our future.

So many of us feel the burden of our daily “to do” list, the responsibilities of families, careers as well as the things we feel called to do.  How do you find balance in all of it?  Is it even possible?

The answer is YES, it IS possible! But where do we start?

First, you have to make the decision to move in the direction of your dreams and take action steps every day.  You also must believe that it IS possible.  Everything in existence, begins with a thought. When you attach emotion to those thoughts (positive and negative), you begin the manifestation process.  It is important to pay attention to the nature of those thoughts.  If you are feeling disheartened, frustrated and feel like there is never enough (fill in the blank here); time, money, energy…you are manifesting circumstances that align with the vibration of your thought and the Universe is ALWAYS listening and ALWAYS delivering to you the things that are a vibrational match.

Next, you need to release self-limiting thoughts and behaviors, for the same reasons mentioned above.  If you want to create the life of your dreams and you haven’t been able to so far, it is time to take a deep dive within.  For almost all of us, we have experienced trauma at some point in our lives.  Unhealed, these experiences form a belief that we are unworthy of or incapable of becoming the greatest version of ourselves. So, there is an opportunity to do some inner child work to reveal and heal.

Also, give yourself permission to re-prioritize and even say “no” to the things that are not in alignment with your vision.  Even things that we love can deter us from moving in the direction of our dreams.  It is not to say that you can’t ever do those things that are meaningful.  You just focus on putting those drops of energy into the things that are projecting you towards the life of your dreams.

Finally, surround yourself with like-minded community.  People who are supportive and want to see you succeed.  Sometimes it is hard for people to watch you decide to better yourself and even those who love us, can unintentionally do and say things that feel like they are trying to derail your efforts.  Most of the time, this is because they wish they had the courage to do the things they see you doing…it is like holding up a mirror to them.  Don’t take it personally, just stay true to your ambitions and desires.  There is an element of personal integrity that must be maintained to keep your vibration high.

If you are interested in learning more about connecting in with this community that wants to support you, guide you, empower you and offer love and acceptance, know that we are here to help you! Once you have achieved balance, by integrating healing in all areas of your life, you will awaken your individual powers and you will be unstoppable!  Take advantage of the benefits of self-care through retreats, classes, reading books, eating clean, drinking lots of water, being in nature, meditating, breathing and letting go of those things that no longer serve your highest good.

We invite you to join us for The Journey of You: A Wellness Retreat with a focus on creating balance.  You can expect an amazing 4 days and 3 nights in beautiful McCall, Idaho. A weekend full of Energy Work, including Shamanic Reiki healing, learning about Medicinal Herbs, Foraging, Geopathic Stress, Diet & Nutrition, Body Movement, Shamanic Journeying and creating your daily practices.

Visit: to learn more and to register.
We look forward to the connection.