Planning Alongside the Moon Cycle
By Beth Suter, Watercolor Artist & Moon Cycle Coach



As we approach the end of the year, the New Year’s momentum usually sparks a motivation to set goals and change habits. Yet come February, resolutions often dwindle, and old patterns resurface.

So how can we prevent our motivation from fizzling out and stay inspired to make progress towards our dreams? How can we keep our values at the forefront of our mind, infuse our lives with intention, prioritize joy, and ensure consistent downtime for rest and reflection? One answer lies in a natural guide we often overlook: the Moon.

The Moon’s phases- New Moon, Waxing Moons, Full Moon, and Waning Moons- reflect our journey through beginnings, growth, culmination, and endings. Planning our days alongside these phases can help infuse intention into our daily lives.

How you can plan alongside the Moon Cycle:

On the New Moon, schedule time to journal and reflect. Write down your celebrations. Are there changes you need to make to keep you on track towards your vision? What is a one personal and one professional goal you would like to make progress on? Commit to only focusing on those two main goals until you can reassess at the next New Moon. Break your goals into smaller action steps.

During the waxing phases, energy is high as the Moon gains illumination. Start implementing the action steps you mapped out at the New Moon.  This is the best time for taking action, collaborating, and new ventures.

When the Full Moon arrives, celebrate progress and release what no longer serves you. It’s a time for reflection and acknowledging achievements.

The Moon begins to wane after the Full Moon. It loses illumination working its way back to the next New Moon. This marks a time for giving back, maintenance, and rest. Avoid over-scheduling. Focus on routine tasks, wrapping up projects, and self-care.

Aligning with the lunar cycle provides regular chances for reflection, realignment, and rest. Frequent check-ins, unlike annual resolutions, provide momentum, clarity, and helps you align daily decisions with your core values.

Adopting this method of planning is not an instant transformation, but you can begin with small steps. Keep a journal noting your energy levels, emotions, and productivity during different phases of the Moon. This will help you understand the impact of the lunar cycle on your personal rhythm.

Consider sharing your journey with others who are interested in similar practices. Join communities or groups where you can exchange experiences, tips, and insights.

I invite you to consider this new way of planning and start taking small steps to live a more balanced and intentional life in sync with the phases of the Moon!

With Gratitude,
Beth Suter
If you would like to learn more, check out my 2024 Moon Calendar at 
Find my Moon Planning Magic Course and Membership at