It has come to my attention over the last few years that I am meeting many people with “adrenal gland” problems, and I felt compelled to give you some insights that may assist your physical and emotional well-being.
With all the cellular upgrades happening in the DNA over the last ten years, the adrenal glands are being dramatically affected, as well as the digestion. If we don’t learn to eat differently and utilize the natural sciences, I am concerned there will be an increase of “adrenal failure.”
When we suffer severe stress, the hormones released by the “adrenal glands” will disrupt the brain-immune system relationship and suppress the immune system, leaving us vulnerable to illness and disease. Stress is not the only factor that can trigger this response.
Negative reactions such as movies/TV with high level of violence, and any entertainment that brings out the darker side such as the use of drugs. Depressed or prolonged anger, hatred, bitterness or depression, loneliness or intense grieving, can also suppress the immune system by stimulating an over-production of hormones and an increase activity on the adrenal system.
The Adrenals: Situated above the kidneys, the adrenal correspond to the quickening point, for here we find the hormone adrenalin, produced when we are confronted with a “flight or fight” situation to preserve life.
Just as the quickening point in the gestation patterns is like the pivot of a seesaw between our inner and outer worlds, so adrenalin stimulates our decision for flight (to run and go inside rather than be brave and confront) or to fight (to turn outwards and confront, regardless of inner warnings).
Adrenals are also essential for the maintenance of blood sugar and blood pressure. This is where we bridge the private and public aspects of our nature: here we find the adrenals regulating the balance of the blood (love energy) as it passes from the chest into the abdomen.
Adrenal problems, according to Louise Hay’s book, “Heal Your Body” speaks to defeatism, anxiety and no longer caring for the self.
You will discover important explanations while looking below at the energetic science of the Chakra System.
The 5th chakra is associated with the cervical plexus directly behind the throat pit, at the third cervical vertebra, influencing the larynx and the thyroid gland. The throat area represents the bridge between the purely abstract and the relative. Within this chakra location we enter the stage of purification; here lies the ability to discriminate between the realization and understanding that is entering our consciousness from higher levels of wisdom, and the meaningless babbling of our “unconscious mind.”
Should we be shut off from receiving nourishment or love, or from being able to communicate these emotions outwardly from ourselves to another, then this center will remain closed, causing restriction and pain. It is important to understand what we are not able to fully express. What emotions are getting held back in the chest?
The 3rd chakra: At the location of the eighth thoracic vertebra and the solar plexus; this is the “subtle center” that influences the activities of the adrenals, digestion and absorption of food, and the production of enzymes, particularly adrenalin. This chakra center is where we emerge into the level of conscious awareness, and discrimination. It is the centre of power, control, status, ego, or self-identity. From this centre our energy is concerned about whether we are liked or disliked, whether we have power. This chakra location is where we hold our fears and insecurities about inferiority, or we are obsessed with thinking of ourselves. This is also the area of adrenalin—the excitement of life as well as the fears of life.
Emotional aspects: As personal power tends to be limited to our own world and does not extend to the world at large--- so if our energy is fixed and functioning from this chakra we will attempt to rule or exert power, will become dominating and will try to make others conform to our own way of thinking; this is the seat of “ego-centeredness.” Emotionally, we are not at peace with ourselves.
Author, Louise Hay’s “Heal Your Body” (Gut reactions and center of our intuitive powers--- to heal from being a slave to our own ego means developing an appreciation of self and the respect for others--- to increase feelings, thoughts and self-acceptance that we are all valid in our own right.)
Physical problems in the solar plexus area can therefore relate to the conflict of power and ego-identity issues represented by this chakra. Since the Heart Chakra lies between the 3rd and 5th chakra, we can safely assume there will be an “energetic pattern” that will require healing.
The “Secondary 5th Throat Chakra” at the base of the skull has a function which operates on the etheric body in the color code of Blue. It is responsible for the opening of conscious communication with our own unique DNA. In time, it will open up the “Secondary 4th Heart Chakra grid” and create a vibrational “8” pattern which activates between the Heart Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra.
Tool: The Blue 8 Pattern
Visualize a Blue 8 pattern one inch from the body. Pretend it’s like a racetrack where the blue light travels through the 8 pattern under your own will. Look for a feeling of inner calmness and relaxation during this process.
Next, visualize/image of the Blue 8 pattern inside the body for a more direct contact with the two chakra systems. The result will be activation on a Secondary Heart Chakra.
Use your sensory feelings to notice what sensations happen on the physical body. This energetic 8 pattern will allow an expansion on both our emotional and physical sensory systems.
Thank you for listening, Badeish