We Are All Lightworkers Rising
by Geneva Stevahn Hill of We Are The Galaxy ~ (208) 996-5579

Did you have an awakening experience that caused you to fundamentally change everything you knew to be true about yourself and the world?

Yeah, friend, me too.

It’s bananas though, because that wasn’t really the hard part for me. The tricky part was in the follow-up questions, “what happens now?”

I mean, I knew immediately that I had a much bigger purpose, calling, mission, and role on this planet. I suddenly understood that I mattered. I was important.

I just didn’t understand how to reconcile that with any type of action or solution.

And so many of my clients initially express this same thought.

I hear: “I know now that I’m here to help people!” and then when I ask how they plan on doing that, I get this blank stare and a bit of a shrug.

“Uhh…I’m going to start a business.”
“I’m going to be a coach.”
“I’m going to share my art.”
“I’m going to teach people about awakening.”
“I’m going to create a non-profit.”

But do you hear that future-tense on that verb, “going to”?

It’s because in the beginning, we aren’t even sure who we are yet. We feel into that new sense of purpose and we are certain that we have a mission, but are very lost along the path of connecting to it.

That’s why I am launching Lightworkers Rising, a 6-Week Course that starts on August 24th. Each week, I will be helping lightworkers like you to step into purpose, so that you can move into a space where you KNOW you are on mission and your soul feels like it can settle.

If you’ve been feeling itchy, unsettled, and out-of-sorts because you know there is so much more but you are still feeling disconnected from fulfilling that calling, I’ve got you.

When I first moved through my awakening, I had no clue what would happen next.

I’ve taken the last decade of stumbling around in the dark and cut out the hardships and heartache so that you can just enjoy the delightful parts of connecting to your Higher Self, inner truth, and deepened understanding.

My mission is one of teaching/healing, and what I’ve been doing privately with friends for years is ready to move into the spotlight.

Let me know if you want in on the live round! Saturdays starting August 24th, 2-3:30 PM MDT.

But don’t wait.

Grab my hand and let’s go show the world what is possible. Don’t get left behind to stumble through the dark on your own.

After all, you owe your greatness to the species.

Send me a text today to confirm your interest, and I’ll send you more information. (208) 996-5579.