We are the Light of the World
That’s a pretty powerful statement: we are the light of the world.  That statement carries a great deal of responsibility.  We often think that only the higher beings are the light of the world, but we forget that this light lives inside each one of us.  This powerful light has been given to us and we must learn how to harness it in a way that serves all of humanity.  This powerful and all-loving light is a beacon of hope in our despairing world.  This light gives wisdom, love, understanding, and inner peace.  One way to learn how to harness this inner light is by practicing the meditation of Twin Hearts.  Twin Hearts is referring to our heart chakra and our crown chakra.  In the energy and spiritual realm, we carry two hearts.  The heart chakra is our human connection to love.  Our crown chakra is our connection to our creator. By focusing on these two chakras during the Meditation of Twin Hearts, we allow our inner light to unite with others as we lovingly focus on sending divine light throughout the world.

The prayer of St. Francis of Assisi is the foundation of Twin Hearts Meditation. This holy and powerful prayer is a very high vibrational prayer or mantra. It states: “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.  Where there is hatred, let me sow love.  Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith.  Where there is despair, hope.  Where there is darkness, light.  Where there is sadness, joy”.

While listening to this high vibrational meditation one must let go of the ego and have a sincere attitude of humility, of inward purity, and authentic love for our creator.  You will begin to feel a deep connection with others and realize that there is only oneness and we are all in this universal light.  We are all beacons of this same light.  This powerful and loving meditation will help you to feel an outpouring of blessings and loving-kindness, which you can share with the entire world.  You will also deeply understand that you are either part of the problem or part of the solution in obtaining peace on earth.  You are either a person of the light or a person lost and confused by the darkness of the times.

What happens to one, happens to all.  We are all brothers and sisters, and we are all created by pure light and love.  In addition, we must become mindful that we are using Right Thoughts, Right Words, and Right Actions.  This will help to keep us in this divine light.  I would encourage you to practice the Meditation Twin Hearts daily.  Master Stephan Co and Master Glenn Mendoza have recorded these meditations on YouTube.  You can select a short version that is 10 minutes and then progress to a longer version that is approximately 18 -20 minutes.  Or, you can contact me at:  Into the Light Pranic Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling, and order the full version of the meditation on CD by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, the modern-day founder of Pranic Healing.  You can also schedule a session with me and we can meditate together using additional techniques of cleansing and energizing.

Yours in love and light,
Christine Haggerty
Into the Light Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling - (208) 440-7884
www.intothelightenergyhealing.com - Check our website for monthly specials.