Namaste to all my clients for blessing my life. It is an honor to work with you whether I am working on your energy systems or in a counseling session, you continue to amaze me. I am humbled by your willingness to be forthcoming, honest, and coachable during our sessions. I am overwhelmed by your hard work, dedication, and your willingness to follow through with assignments, exercises, meditations, and prayers. The wisdom and deep understandings that you express to me during our sessions are pure pearls.
In the practice of Pranic energy healing and spiritual counseling we are taught that “As we give, we also receive.” And, I have found this to be true with all my clients whether they have been with me for several years or are new clients. The giving and receiving of energy and healing are incredible and I am eternally grateful for the gifts that my clients bring to me.
Each day I pray to God that I am sent someone who I can help, and this prayer is always answered. What I did not expect was the amount of healing and blessings that I would receive by this beautiful interaction with my clients. Please know that I pray each day for all my clients that they are blessed with a better life. Even if I only saw a client once, 9 years ago, that client remains in my daily prayers.
Sessions are scheduled for an hour, but usually end up lasting much longer because of the divine energy that is flowing between us. Often there is joy and tons of laughter, and other times cords of hardship and trauma are removed allowing stored up tears to release and flow out. Pass the tissues!
Last week one of my local clients who lives about 20 minutes away came to see me. The appointment time was 2:30 in the afternoon. She informed her husband that she was coming to see me. Her husband’s response was: “Do you think you’ll be home in time for dinner?” Her response was, “You never know” LOL