In the vibrant tapestry of natural health conversations, the term “Epigenetics” has taken center stage, sparking curiosity among practitioners and enthusiasts of alternative healthcare. But what exactly is it? Let’s delve into this fascinating concept that involves a set of switches perched atop our genetics.
Epigenetics, in essence, is the art of influencing these switches through our daily choices—how we talk to ourselves, our habits, dietary preferences, and even the skincare products we use. Imagine these switches as keys to our genetic code, which we have the power to turn on or off based on our lifestyle.
Consider a scenario where a familial predisposition to diabetes and heart disease looms over you. If you convince yourself that these conditions are inevitable due to family history, you’ve just flipped one epigenetic switch. Now, envision inheriting dietary habits rich in processed foods, grains, flours, breads, things fried in oils known to contribute to health issues such a vegetable, canola, and seed oils, full of sugar or unnatural sweeteners like those used in products and drinks labeled “diet.” By adopting these habits, you activate another switch, aligning yourself with the genetic expression of your family.
Catherine Shanahan MD, in her enlightening book “Deep Nutrition,” emphasizes the profound connection between nutrition and genetic expression. While not endorsing every nutritional choice in the book, Shanahan highlights crucial insights, such as steering clear of processed oils linked to diseases, including autism and heart disease. Sugar’s toxicity and its impact on neurological health also feature prominently, shedding light on the pervasive addiction many experience.
Maintaining optimal genetic switches requires intentional choices.
Here are three key practices:
1. Positive Self-Talk: Your body listens, so speak positively to and about yourself. The mind-body connection is real, and our thoughts and emotions affect our organs and systems.
2. Eat for Life: Prioritize organic vegetables, limit, soak, and pressure cook or sprout and ferment difficult to digest grains and beans, and choose European grains for reduced herbicide and pesticide exposure. Opt for pastured protein, recognizing that your food’s origin impacts your health.
3. Cultivate Healthy Habits: Regular exercise, reaching 10,000 steps a day, incorporating resistance training, and adopting ergonomic practices like standing at your desk contribute to overall well-being.
If these insights resonate with you, join us on Facebook @DivineWholism for more health education, recipes, and alternatives to the conventional American diet. For personalized guidance on nutrition and a holistic assessment of your body, consider booking a Nutrition Response Testing session at As a token of appreciation, mention “Hedra” when booking for a 10% discount on your kit when joining our 21-day purification program. Let’s unlock the potential within, shaping a healthier, purpose-driven life together.